Welcome to Paige Fashion NZ

Malo e lelei and Kia ora Friends!

My name is Seletute Tonga, a mother of 5 lovely children and the founder of Paige Fashion NZ which was started in 2020 as a Fashion Online Business from home. Today, I am glad to announce the launch of our new website (Paige Fashion NZ) and the growth of our small home business. Paige Fashion NZ was mostly operated and run by myself in the design of our Polynesian styles with the overseas’ factories, import of our clothing, advertisement, promotion, and selling to all customers. We will continue dealing in all fashionable attires for women, men, and kids and our main target is to make Paige Fashion NZ accessible, suitable and affordable for everyone.

Paige Fashion NZ is named after our oldest daughter name Paige Pelenatita Tonga. I can say that fashion is naturally part of my life. I love wearing the latest styles of clothing, rings, necklaces, etc. including the Polynesian styles. Today, Paige Fashion NZ has successfully gone beyond imagination and I am so grateful for all customers that help me out with my home business. I am glad to announce that next month, Paige Fashion NZ is looking forward to the opening of our overseas shop in Nuku’alofa, Tonga and I am thankful to my sister ‘Olita for her commitment to making this Paige Fashion (Tonga) Shop. Thanks so much, friends and families for all of your supports especially all the customers whom you believe in Paige Fashion NZ. I appreciate your help and we are committed to continuing on with the high quality and customer services of our fashion world.

‘Ofa atu
Seletute Tonga
Paige Fashion NZ

Paige Pelenatita Tonga

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