Vaimoana Vahataanisofele Nuku  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Fakafeta’i ki he ‘Otua ki he Tapuaki kuo ne fai ma’ae pisini ko eni ke nau tokoni’i kimautolu fakatatau ki he’emau fiema’u vivili. Malo ‘aupito Paige Fashion tauange Ke hokohoko atu ai pe ‘etau fetokoni’aki he kaha’u na. ‘Ofa atu mo e hufaki Famili Nuku.
Thank you Paige Fashion for our white n black family set, exact quality from what we’ve seen from your facebook store plus quick service. Malo ‘aupito👍👏

Elizahbedah Manatu  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Thank you @paigefashion, the dress makes me look 100× younger. Highly recommended. This 👌 maxi dress is the best.

Sina Sila Faamasani  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Service is very eazy and fast.

Lenii Siutaka Manu-Mafi  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Thank you Paige Fashion efficient,courteous,friendly and professional customer service.The dress is made from a quality fabric with significant stretch ability.Great value for money.
I would 100% recommend it to all girls who want to be in the latest fashion with high quality clothes at affordable prices.
Paige Fashion your service and designs reflect how passionate it is to help Plus Size women like me to have an extraordinary day.
I’m beyond impressed!Love the 2020 Flat Top Oversize Leopard Sunglasses,Fit well,They’re big,cute and dramatic.Can’t go wrong.Buy them!
Hats off to great company.You definitely stop reading reviews and click BUY NOW!
Extremely happy customer.👍

Kate Jr.  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

These are so perfect and good quality❤️Fit perfectly❤️Thank you Paige Fashion🙏

Bronwyn Manusina  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Thank you soo much definitely recommend you ❤️

Christine J Guttenbeil Manu  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Everything just wonderful about Paige Fashion 😍 love it! Thank you so much! Will be back again ☺️

Siale Vineti Tai-Hoeft  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

I just receive my package today and I really love the👗 Thank you Paige Fashion.

Fokikovi Kaulave  recommends Paige Fashion NZ.

Love the fitting and love the material highly recommended.

Siuta N Sola Tavita

Cool definitely gonna shopping from yous very nice!

Thanks Paige Fashion!


Thanks so much Paige Fashion.


Tina Sua

Thank you so much for the dress, fits so perfectly. 

Ana Tauelangi

Thanks Paige Fashion. 


Ollie Flower

Paige Fashion is my number shop that I always bought clothes from. Highly recommended!

Funganihe’ofa Manoa

Malo aupito Paige Fashion.

Jess M Fakatoumafi

I love your store…can’t wait to grab more goods for Christmas…malo ngaue.

Keep up the good work

Susiana Talatala

Thank you for my dress, I loved it but especially my husband lol koe tama pick ia e kofu hhhh

Malo Paige Fashion

Rita-Mark Aiono

Thank you its beautiful and I can’t wait to wear it.